Are you looking for the perfect side job? Then you've come to the right place! Manpower is looking for postal sorters for PostNL in Nieuwegein, Grote Wade 80, 3439 NT Nieuwegein for the night shift. What we ask of you is that you can come with your own transport, in connection with accessibility. There is no guarantee of hours in this role. You work based on the work that PostNL has to offer. It is important that you are available for at least 15 hours per week! An average shift lasts 3 to 5 hours. Because it depends on how much work there is at PostNL, the number of hours you can work may vary per week.
Employment agency Manpower is looking for a Postal sorter night shift for PostNL in Nieuwegein.
As a mail sorter, you are responsible for sorting national mail by machine. This is a physical job, because you work standing up and regularly lift heavy boxes of mail. It is also important that you can work accurately, because the mail must be delivered to the right address!
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